Why Shared Hosting is the Best Choice for Beginners: Advantages of Shared Hosting

Today, we will talk about the commonly used shared hosting plan. The term “shared” does not imply that you are actually sharing your website with others. In simple terms, shared hosting can be compared to riding a bus with various passengers. best hosting in Dubai resources on a server require the utilization of various resources, such as CPU, RAM, and disk space.

When learning about the advantages of shared hosting, keep in mind that this hosting plan involves multiple web hosting users sharing server resources. Let’s thoroughly explore the blog “Advantages of Shared Hosting” to understand how this secret weapon enhances web hosting services.

What Does Shared Hosting Mean?

The primary focus for users when looking for shared hosting plans is the level of affordability. Shared hosting plans are definitely the most affordable among all web hosting plans. That is the reason why, as a reader, you want to learn more about the “advantages of shared web hosting.”

Affordability is primarily achieved through the sharing of server resources among various users. It’s similar to dividing the cost of the meal with your coworkers. If you choose the Laravel framework, PHP, or Python for your websites, shared hosting services are ideal for you. Small websites, blogs, portfolios, or other low- to medium-traffic websites make the most of the shared hosting services.
Additionally, cPanel web hosting is often included in shared hosting plans, providing a user-friendly control panel to manage your website efficiently.

Advantages Of Shared Hosting

Not just affordability, shared hosting also offers some of the top perks for website owners. Some of the advantages of shared web hosting are outlined below.

●  Best Support

Shared hosting service providers such as MilesWeb employ skilled professionals to oversee the maintenance of the web hosting server. Additionally, they also maintain other elements such as downtime, server setups, updating security patches, and firewall safeguarding. Technical problems are bound to happen when various clients access the same server resources. Hence, a skilled IT professional is needed to address the issue.

MilesWeb employs experts who provide around-the-clock customer support for solving various technical issues. If you own a business, let us handle all the technical aspects for you. Our attention will be on your server while you grow your business.

●  Affordable Plan Costs

As a user or customer, the cost factor is always a concern for you. Shared hosting services are affordable. Therefore, individuals who have initiated their own websites and domains from scratch opt for managed shared hosting services. Shared hosting services, unlike VPS hosting and dedicated hosting, are within your budget.

●  Easy Multiple Domain Management

If you need budget-friendly Linux shared hosting, you can set up several websites in your user directory instead of searching for a different server. The shared hosting choice is perfect for individuals who have both a personal blog and a business website, for instance.

Nevertheless, there could be restrictions, like the number of domains permissible for installation. In this scenario, it depends on the platform in use and if you possess a standard or upgraded account with your hosting provider. Look for shared hosting plans that offer unlimited website hosting options.

This way, you can get the maximum benefit at the most affordable cost. For instance, users can host an infinite number of websites on MilesWeb’s top-tier shared hosting plans.

●  Free SSL Protection

The low cost of this hosting option may give you the impression that it sacrifices user security. But a reliable hosting provider like MilesWeb offers you the option to enhance the security of your website domains and subdomains by incorporating a free Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate.

Encrypting your website’s connection and verifying your website’s identity with an SSL certificate, also marks your website as safe. Seeing a padlock icon in your address bar indicates that a website possesses an SSL certificate and thus, your users get enhanced credibility for your website.

●  The Cpanel Control Panel

The cPanel control panel makes it simple to handle your website on shared hosting. The majority of web hosting companies offer the cPanel interface to make web monitoring and administration easier.

In essence, it is a simplified control panel that makes it easier for an average user to navigate a website. You will receive the control panel to manage your domains and FTP accounts with our top-notch shared hosting plans. If you choose Windows-shared hosting, Plesk will be set up in your hosting package.

How Can Shared Hosting Services Benefit You?

Most of the shared hosting infrastructure is compatible with websites made using PHP, Perl, Python, or Laravel. When it comes to features, a reliable hosting provider ensures that all the essential features are included in the respective shared hosting plan.

Moreover, it has a user-friendly hosting option. Shared hosting providers manage the technical aspects of the server, so we don’t have to handle server updates. In addition to that, shared hosting also leverages the use of 24/7 customer support to help you with any technical issues.

Closing Remarks

Getting started with web hosting is most easily achieved through a shared hosting account. Setting up complex server configurations involves handling server resources and fine-tuning server settings on your own.

On the other hand, with simple and basic shared hosting servers, everything is taken care of for you by your managed shared hosting provider! Additionally, you have the option to select and upgrade to a high-grade plan based on your website’s hosting requirements.